Thursday, February 20, 2014

What'll ya have?? // The Varsity

Sorry for the silence! We've been on the go so much that we haven't had enough time to sit down and write. 

We're about to leave again. This time we're heading to Atlanta, GA for the weekend. Oh, Hotlanta... home of Coca-Cola, Gone with the Wind, MLK, the '96 Summer Olympics, the world's busiest airport, and so much more!

Atlanta's food scene is exploding with new, exciting restaurants. But, nothing can beat the city's most famous restaurant... The Varsity

The drive-in that started in 1928 is now the largest drive-in in the world! And, for good reason. There are few things that top a Varsity Hot Dog paired with an FO (a.k.a. a frosted orange shake). The restaurant reportedly makes two miles of hot dogs, a ton of onions, 2500 pounds of potatoes, 5000 fried pies, and 300 gallons of chili from scratch daily! It is the ultimate home of greasy goodness!!

When you enter The Varsity's doors you enter a world in-and-of-itself. There is a lingo that developed as the fast moving cashiers tried to speed up orders. You’ve got to be ready when you approach the cashier. As soon as you hear, “What’ll you have?” you’ve got to spout your order in The Varsity’s language. Here’s a refresher on the lingo so you can make sure you have your “order in your mind” before your next trip to The Varsity.

Hot Doga hot dog with chili and mustard
Chili Dogsame as a hot dog
Naked Doga plain hot dog in a bun
M.K. Doga naked dog with mustard and ketchup
Regular C Doga chili dog with ketchup only
Red Doga naked dog with ketchup only
Yellow Doga naked dog with mustard only
Yankee Dogsame as a yellow dog
Heavy Doga hot dog with extra chili
Walk a Dog (or Steak)a hot dog (or hamburger) to go
Steaka hamburger with mustard, ketchup, and pickle
Chili Steaka hamburger with chili
Glorified Steaka hamburger with mayonnaise, lettuce, and tomato
Mary Brown Steak (or Dog)a plain hamburger (or hot dog) without a bun
Naked Steaka plain hamburger
Sally Randa naked hamburger
Sally Rand Through the Gardena naked hamburger with lettuce, tomato and mayonnaise
N.I. Orangea Varsity Orange without ice
F.O.a frosted orange shake 
Joe-reecoffee with cream
P.C.pure chocolate milk (always served with ice)
N.I.P.C.a P.C. without ice
All The Waywith onions (on a hot dog, hamburger, etc.)
Bag of Ragsa bag of chips
Ring Oneorder of onion rings
StringsFrench fries
Sidewaysonions on the side
V.O.Varsity Orange, the original carbonated orange soda drink
L.G.Lazy Gordy, a Naked Dog and a Sprite

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