Thursday, March 21, 2013

Dream List: Visit Lake Hillier

Newest addition to my dream list:

I can't believe it's been a month since the last post! Time flies--especially in my new job. I'm working in event planning, which is so wonderful but definitely time consuming. Still, it's the perfect combination of creative an administrative and is such a critical component of hospitality. I'm so grateful to be doing it!

The purpose of Mr. & Mrs. H's blog is to highlight great travel spots in North America. We want to provide inspiration and ideas for people who don't have time and money on our side for the jet setting lifestyle, but still need to fulfill their wanderlust.

That being said, today I want to highlight a spot that is on my dream list of places to go... and it's not close to home. Lake Hillier. It's a naturally occurring pink lake in Australia! Not only is it beautiful it's also totally safe for humans to swim in. From the air it looks bubble gum pink and from the shoreline it's apparently more of a clear hue. I can't wait to see it in person. Mr. H lived in Australia before we met and I've always wanted to go on a trip there to see where he lived when he was there. Lake Hillier will definitely be added to the trip itinerary whenever that trip happens!

Look at these amazing photographs by photographer, Steve Back. They are images of pink lagoons in Australia. Aren't they to die for?

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